Mass Mayhem - Zombie Apocalypse Hacked

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Visualizzazioni 144
Salvato 466
Misurare 4.87 M
Estensione .SWF
Larghezza 800
Altezza 440
Stelle 4
Hacked: Type in the cheats menu (Game Menu -> Cheat list): Invincible - BIGPOPA, All weapons - LOCKNLOAD, Infinity off bullets - SURRENDER, Unlock...

Hacked: Type in the cheats menu (Game Menu -> Cheat list): Invincible - BIGPOPA, All weapons - LOCKNLOAD, Infinity off bullets - SURRENDER, Unlock all stages - CHECKY, All medals + Stages Extra - DARIDE, Doors reinforced - COMEO

A new bloody game in the Mass Mayhem series is here! After the world has been infected with a deadly virus, everyone is turning into freakin ugly zombies. But one savior will get rid of this pest once and for all ... you! Protect your bunker, upgrade your weapons, but most importantly; kill all these damn dirty zombies!

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